There are several steps you can take to improve the efficiency of your home. There are also a lot of mistakes you want to avoid if you want to stop spending too much on heating this winter. Here is what you need to know, from heating an empty house to neglecting furnace repair in Cupertino, CA.
Not everyone is in the same situation. But if go out to work every day and children go to school, there is no reason to keep heating your home in the middle of the day.
While you don’t want your furnace running too much while you are away, you also don’t want to turn it down too much, or worse, turn it off completely. This will force the furnace to work overtime when it comes time to heat the place back up. Just adjust the temperature by a few degrees and you will still see significant savings.
The same advice goes for cranking up the heat. Some homeowners believe adjusting to a higher temperature will help heat the home faster. That is not how the heating system works. It will produce the same amount of heat consistently until the desired temperature that is indicated on the thermostat. Instead, the furnace will just run longer and cost you more on your utility bill.
Windows and doors are usually the weakest links in the exterior envelope of your home. It is important to keep windows closed and locked in winter to tightly seal off any leaks.
If you notice a draft or a leak coming through locked windows or around the frame, don’t ignore it. It may seem like just a small leak, but it is easy to underestimate the amount of heat your home is losing as a result. You can usually seal off leaks by applying caulk around the frame where cold air is coming in.
Again, it may seem like common sense to close off vents in an unused room—thus keeping the heat exclusively to occupied spaces. Unfortunately, heating systems are designed to provide even heating to the entire house. And blocking off certain vents will disrupt the balance and cause inefficient and uneven heating.
Just like you wouldn’t leave your windows open on a winter day, you also shouldn’t leave your exhaust fans running. As soon as they clear the air you should turn them off. Otherwise, you are pumping out the heated air.
During peak usage, it is important to check air filters once a month. If they are clogged, replace them right away. This improves the efficiency of your system.
If you are still using a manual thermostat, it is time to catch up with the times. A programmable thermostat is one of the best ways to cut costs on heating.
Annual furnace maintenance saves you money in two ways—it improves efficiency and prolongs the life of your system. If you haven’t had your furnace checked in a couple of years it is time to get on the schedule.
Contact Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning today for a tune-up. We provide the safest and most reliable furnace repair in Cupertino, CA.