Summer is a fun time of year often full of outdoor activities and family vacations. But the long, hot days of summer can bring dangerously high temperatures. And the danger increases with overexertion and no relief. Even a simple walk or bike ride can be risky if it is too hot. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are real concerns and can be deadly. So air conditioning repair in San Jose, CA aside—here are some important safety tips to help you avoid the dangers of heat exposure:
One of the best things you can do to stay safe during a heatwave is to drink plenty of fluids. Any time the temperature climbs over 90 degrees you need to increase your fluids intake. Do not rely on carbonated beverages or alcohol to quench your thirst. These can lead to dehydration. Water is best. You should be drinking at least eight, 8oz glasses of water per day—more when it is hot and humid. And you can supplement with juice and sports drinks to help replenish valuable electrolytes and vitamins.
Avoid wearing heavy, dark clothes. These will absorb and trap the heat. Instead, opt for lighter colors and fabrics that breathe like linen and cotton.
Direct sunlight can produce a lot of unwanted heat in your home. So keep the curtains drawn on south and west facing windows until late afternoon and evening.
You don’t want to exercise outside during the hottest parts of the day. Reserve your daily workouts for early morning or later in the evening. You should also work in pairs when working in the excessive heat, in case something should happen.
If your job requires you work outside, make sure you take plenty of breaks in the shade to cool down and rehydrate.
If possible, you should stay inside an air-conditioned building during the hottest parts of the day. This usually ranges from mid-morning to late-afternoon. Postpone any outdoor games and activities until the temperatures cool off.
If you don’t have air conditioning in San Jose, CA find other places to go for relief on those dangerously hot days. The libraries, malls, or even grocery stores will be cooler and safer until the heat wave passes.
Never leave a pet or person in a hot car. Even if you are just running in for a quick errand, your vehicle will overheat quickly and become an oven for the occupants. It just isn’t safe.
It is important to check on high-risk people, children, and pets. Keep on eye on people over the age of 65 and those who tend to overexert during work or exercise because they are especially vulnerable. You should also watch out for infants and young children while playing outside. Animals also need shade and water otherwise they will dehydrate quickly.
Be aware of heat-related illness. Some warning signs include headaches, dry mouth, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, panting, dizziness and disorientation. Skin might be dry and red hot, or pale and clammy. Sit down, sip water, and splash cool water on the body. If this does not bring relief or if symptoms worsen to include rapid heartbeat, vomiting, fever, confusion, and passing out or collapsing you need to seek immediate medical attention. The situation can become critical, so do not hesitate to call 911.
A/C is mostly a convenience, but during the hottest days of the year, it can also become a necessity. You don’t want to be stuck without it. Call Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning for repair in San Jose, CA. You can reach us at (408) 978-7060 or stop by at 1045 N 10th St., San Jose, CA 95112.