April 27, 2020
furnace repair in San Jose, CA

Signs it is Time to Replace Your Furnace

Fall and winter can bring unpredictable weather and even on the west coast we can experience cold, rain, and even snowstorms. This is why it is […]
April 20, 2020
air conditioning repair San Jose, CA

Why Does My Air Conditioner Smell Bad?

As seasons change many homeowners notice strange odors coming from the air ducts. Most often it occurs when the furnace kicks on for the first time, […]
April 13, 2020
furnace repair San Jose, CA

Most Common Myths about Home Heating

During the winter, heating the home can be costly. It is not uncommon for individuals to search the internet looking for ways to cut costs and […]
April 6, 2020
air conditioning repair in San Jose, CA

5 Energy Saving Tips for Spring

Spring is on the way and as outdoor temperatures warm up you won’t be needing your furnace. And if you want to save money on your […]