Air conditioners are expensive and complex pieces of equipment. There are a number of electrical and mechanical components and actions that work together to make these systems work flawlessly. But just like any other appliance in the home, they are subject to some natural wear and tear. And without routine inspections and air conditioning repair in Saratoga, CA, your system might wear out even faster. How do you know when something is amiss? The air conditioner might start making some of these sounds.
1. Shrieking
You are probably familiar with the routine sounds your air conditioner makes when it kicks on and starts running. What is important is paying attention and noticing when those sounds transform into something unusual. The moment you hear a mechanical shrieking sound coming from your air conditioner, you know something is wrong. In most cases, if the air conditioner is shrieking it is because of the motor. Usually, a bearing has worn down because of a loss of lubrication and you are hearing metal on metal contact. This is considered normal wear and tear but is not something you want to allow to go on for too long before getting it repaired. Otherwise, shrieking can lead to friction and motor burnout.
2. Rattling
Again, when it comes to your cooling system, you should be familiar with what sounds normal. If there has always been a little bit of rattling as your system cycles on, then the noise is most likely benign. It could simply be the ductwork contracting or expanding with temperature fluctuations. What you are listening for are noises that are out of the ordinary. If you start to notice an intense rattling you have never heard before, then it is time to call for HVAC service. Loose parts rattling around inside the unit is not a good sign.
3. Hissing
Have you started to notice a hissing sound when your air conditioner kicks on? You are probably hearing refrigerant gas escaping from the unit. The refrigerant is what makes the cooling system possible. And during manufacturing, the air conditioner is supplied with enough refrigerant to last the entire lifespan of the appliance. If you are losing refrigerant you are losing your cooling power. And if the leak is left too long without repair you risk compressor damage which results in costly repair or the need for replacing the air conditioner.
When it comes to heating and cooling, don’t let these odd sounds slide. It is important to get to the bottom of what is causing the noise and have the issue repaired as soon as possible. If not, you run the risk of compromising your entire system. For help diagnosing and repairing the scary noises coming from your furnace and air conditioner, contact the HVAC experts. The professionals at Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning have over 25 years of experience and take great pride in their work. They can provide air conditioning repair in Saratoga, CA so you can save energy and save money.