When it comes to shopping for a new furnace, bigger isn’t always better. Some homeowners want to get a bigger furnace thinking it will offer faster and better heating for their home. But what they do not realize is that buying an oversized furnace is not a good idea. It can cause several problems and lead to constant furnace repair in Saratoga, CA. Read this post to find out some of the main downsides of installing an oversized furnace:
A major drawback of a furnace that is too big for your home is short cycling. This is where the furnace switches on for a couple of minutes and then switches back off almost right away before actually reaching the set temperature. This frequent cycling is annoying and occurs when the furnace is too big. This leads to overheating and the system has to shut down for safety once the sensors get triggered. This does help prevent damage to the furnace but also prevents the home from ever reaching a comfortable temperature.
Another main drawback of an oversized furnace is uneven heat distribution in the home. This is because the furnace tends to shut down before desired temperatures get reached. And the rooms that are the first stops in the ductwork will get overly hot while rooms farther away will not get nearly as much heat. So if you start noticing cold spots in your home after getting a new furnace, it might be because you do not have the correct size for your home.
You would think that constant short cycling and uneven heating would at least reduce your energy bills, but it turns out that the opposite is true. An oversized furnace will end up costing you more on your energy bills. This is because it not only requires more to run the system, but the system ends up running more often as it tries to make up for the inefficiencies. That equates to a lot of power consumption. This holds true for both oil and gas furnaces.
These systems are not meant to frequently turn off and on. And this constant cycling will lead to excess wear on the major components of the furnace like the motor and heat exchanger. As a result, the parts start to wear out, break down, and require repair. This in turn can decrease the life of your furnace and eventually you will be forced to replace the entire system sooner rather than later.
These are just a few of the main drawbacks of installing an oversized furnace in your home. That is why it is so important to contact a professional about furnace installation and furnace repair in Saratoga, CA. They can guide you on finding the perfect-sized furnace for the size of your home.