The heater in your home is responsible for keeping you comfortable and warm. And while the heating system is resilient, it isn’t invincible. Unfortunately, there are several things you could be doing that overwork your system and cause unnecessary breakdowns. Want to avoid excessive furnace repair in Los Gatos, CA? Here are the things to avoid:
So many people crank up the thermostat when they start to feel chilly. They turn the heat up way more than the desired temperature, thinking it will heat the home faster. This doesn’t work. The furnace will heat the home at the same rate, no matter what the thermostat says. So instead of cranking it up, it is better to keep it at the ideal temperature and throw on a blanket or add an extra layer to warm you up.
So many homeowners accidentally obstruct their heat vents. They cover them with couches, curtains, rugs, shelves, and more. Or they end up closing the vents in unused rooms thinking this will cut down on their heating costs. This thinking doesn’t play out. The furnace is sized to heat the entire home efficiently. Blocking or obstructing certain vents will disrupt the airflow and can overwork the system. Better to leave all the vents open and don’t obstruct them with anything.
Many homeowners leave the thermostat set at the same temperature all day, even if they don’t plan to be home.
The result is the furnace working longer and harder than it needs to heat an empty home. It is much better to turn the temperature down a couple degrees when you are not home and while you sleep at night. This will prolong the life of the system and cut energy costs at the same time.
It is important to get fresh air into the home, even in winter. But you should try not to crack the windows and then leave them open for too long. This sends warm air right outside and lets cold air leak back in. The same occurs with drafty windows and doors. So, in winter, it is important to seal off the cracks so the windows and doors can help insulate the home. That way the furnace will not have to work as hard to keep things comfortable.
The absolute easiest way to overwork your furnace is by skipping the annual maintenance check. These tune-ups allow a professional technician to take a look at the system, make minor adjustments and repairs, and make sure everything is operating at peak performance. Annual maintenance might seem like a hassle, but really it is what keeps your system safe and efficient from year to year. So don’t wait too long to make the call for a yearly furnace maintenance check.
For more tips about running your furnace and for furnace repair in Los Gatos, CA contact our HVAC experts. We provide top quality service at a fair price.