One of the best things for your health is getting a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, a lot of adults have trouble getting the rest they need. If you are having trouble and would like to improve your sleeping experience, you might consider a few of these changes that will improve sleep so you feel refreshed each morning.
Your body temperature drops naturally when you sleep. It helps you feel more relaxed and slows down your heart rate. It helps when your room is also cooler. Your temperature drops faster and you can relax. The National Sleep Foundation suggests that you drop the temperature down between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Maintaining this in the winter is easier and will help cut down heating costs. But it won’t be the same in the summer. You might want to rely more on fans and lighter blankets. Or you can check into zone-control HVAC systems. These allow you to cool just one room or area of your home at a time. That way, you can set different temperatures for your individual needs.
Fans are another common appliance that people use to help them sleep. The down draft or cross breeze creates a cooling effect and circulates the air, keeping it fresh. Fans also create a steady hum or low levels of white noise to sooth you to sleep. The noise helps you fall asleep, but also helps muffle other noises that might wake you up.
Sometimes you might struggle to sleep if the room is too muggy and humid. It can be harder to relax and breathe deeply if the air is leaden with moisture. Overly humid rooms also can irritate your respiratory system, cause mold growth, or even attract pesky insects. But air that is too dry can irritate your throat and give you cotton mouth while you sleep. Getting the humidity right is important. A hygrometer can measure the humidity levels in your home to help you gauge where you stand. You want the measurements to be between 40 to 50 percent. If humidity is too high, ventilate the room by opening the windows and circulating air. You might also consider investing in a humidifier or dehumidifier, depending on the levels in your home.
It might take a combination of solutions before you find the perfect balance to help you get a great night of sleep. But keeping your HVAC system well maintained should be part of that. The last thing you need is for your air conditioning to break down in the middle of the night!
Call Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning in San Jose, CA
To get your system checked and air conditioning service in San Jose, CA before spring arrives, call Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning at (408) 800-2791 or drop by 1045 N 10th St San Jose, CA 95112 to set up an appointment. Regular maintenance will make sure your system is up for the task when the weather starts to get warm.