For the air conditioning to work, there are a lot of parts that need to work together. And there are hundreds of factors that contribute to problems with the air conditioner. That said, there are some common problems our technicians often come across. Here are some of the most common reasons homeowners call for air conditioning repair in Saratoga, CA:
Improper Operation
This is still one of the most common air conditioning problems we come across. To properly and efficiently operate the air conditioning you need to turn on the thermostat, switch it to cooling, close all windows and doors to the outside, and isolate the group of connected rooms as much as possible. If this doesn’t correct the issue then there are probably other problems to resolve.
Condenser Won’t Run
Most people associate air conditioning with making air cold, but the science actually deals with the effective transfer of heat. The air conditioner extracts the heat from indoor air and removes it to the outside. And the components that perform the heavy lifting are the evaporator and condenser coils. The condenser coil is what releases heat into outdoor air, and if it doesn’t run the unit cannot continue cooling the air. You can try to remove debris from the outside unit, but you might have to call a professional if it doesn’t solve the issue.
Repeatedly Cycles Off and On
Often this is the result of a clogged filter. Restricted air flow causes the A/C unit to cut off, even when the thermostat is telling it to turn on. You can try replacing to see if it resolves the problem. It could also be a low-pressure control on the compressor. If the refrigerant is low it messes with pressure levels the compressor needs to operate and create the short cycling.
Refrigerant Leaks
If the air conditioner is not blowing cold air this usually indicates it is low on refrigerant. This is the chemical inside your A/C unit that cools the air before it cycles through the system. And if it is low on refrigerant you either have a leak or it was undercharged upon installation. Unfortunately simply adding refrigerant might not solve the problem. You need to call a technician to repair the leak, test the repair, and then charge the system. When refrigerant charge matches the manufacturer’s specification your air conditioner operates at peak efficiency and performance.
Faulty Wiring
Bad wiring prevents the system from getting power or can trip the breaker. Corrosion of wires is a common problem, and you want to get the electrical connections checked before they cause a fire.
Frozen Coil
This usually means a problem with airflow. You might have restrictions caused by the air filter or a clogged return duct. It might also stem from low refrigerant. If any part of the system is frozen you want to turn it off and call a technician.
If you need professional air conditioning repair in Saratoga, CA call us today at (408) 978-7060 or visit 1045 N 10th St., San Jose, CA 95112. The professionals of Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning take great pride in their work and are ready to help resolve the simplest and most complex air conditioning problems.