Your home could have one of several different types of heating systems. It is important to know what type of system you have and how to care for it. Some systems blow hot air right through duct work while others pipe hot water through the floors. Each system has pros and cons and you need to learn to work with what you have available within your home.
Forced Air Systems
This type of system is the most common type of home heating. It uses air that is heated in a furnace and distributed to rooms through duct work. These systems can operate on natural gas, oil, propane and electricity. The air can be filtered and humidified and using the system can be rather inexpensive when the furnace is running properly. Forced air systems take up space within the walls because of duct work and they can move allergens around the house quickly as well.
Radiant Heating Systems
These systems provide natural, comfortable heat into a home. The heat comes from in-floor hot water tubing, a potbelly stove, or a number of other items. It radiates the heat and directly transfers the temperature from a hot item to a cold surface. The most commonly used system is hot water tubing that sits right below the floor’s surface. The systems are often heated through a boiler and then distributed throughout the house. The boilers take natural gas, electricity, propane or oil. These heating systems provide nice, comfortable, even heat to the home and boilers can be rather energy efficient. The home often heats rather slowly, however, and the systems are expensive to install. It can be hard for professionals to access piping if troubles arise.
Hot Water Baseboard Systems
This system is similar to radiant heat, but it uses hot water that is heated by a boiler to heat the space using a combination of radiation and convection heat. The boiler heats the hot water and is then piped into baseboard units that are mounted along the wall. The boiler takes regular fuels like electricity or natural gas and they are energy efficiency and quiet. Homeowners can control the temperature with ease, but increasing the temperature takes time.
Steam Radiant Heating Systems
Steam radiators are not used very often today, but they still exist in some older homes. They are easy to spot since they are cast iron, upright radiators that sit off to the side of a home. They are often fueled by natural gas or electricity and they can warm spaces quickly and comfortably. The radiators are not pretty and can limit where you can set the furniture in a house.
If you need help servicing your heating equipment, contact Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning at (408) 800-2791. They can help revise your system into something new, maintain your current system, and answer any questions you might have. Stay comfortable this winter with the help of Pelle Heating & Air, an award-winning San Jose, CA Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning company.