Your air conditioning system is what keeps you cool all summer long. But could it also be the thing that is constantly making you sick? Turns out, the HVAC system provides the perfect environment for mold growth. And unfortunately, it is a common problem for many homeowners. Here is more information about what causes mold in the system, how to spot it, and the air conditioning repair in Saratoga, CA you can use to get rid of it.
Any area affected by moisture is prone to mold. The summer is already humid and as cool air runs through the system, vapor develops in the ductwork. Instead of evaporating, droplets collect in the ducts or in the air handler. Then buildup of dust, skin, pollen, and bacteria begins to accumulate. And these dark, damp areas create the perfect environment for spores to grow.
It can be difficult to tell if mold is becoming a problem in the house. But every homeowner should know the ways to spot mold. Some tell-tale signs include a noticeable musty smell and a distinct increase in odor when the air conditioner is running. There might be visible patches of black mold on drip pans, evaporator coils, or around the vents. Occupants might also experience irritated eyes, noses, and throats and recurring respiratory symptoms because of irritants in the air.
The moment they notice mold in the home, homeowners should take action as soon as possible. Leaving the problem will only allow it to spread. Homeowners should shut off the air conditioner, either at the switch or at the fuse box. Then they should use a wet vacuum and rags to clear away any lingering moisture. Then homeowners should use mold and mildew products safe to use in the HVAC system to clean the infested area. It might be wise to contact an HVAC professional for more information about the right types of products. Homeowners should also consider upgrading the air filter or installing an ultraviolet light to help sanitize high-risk areas of the system.
Before running the system again, homeowners need to make sure the mold has been completely cleaned and removed. Homeowners may want to reach out to a professional for serious mold issues. Oftentimes the mold might be located behind the grill cover where it is not easy to reach. So they may also want to call a professional for air conditioning repair so they can get their system thoroughly cleaned. An HVAC technician can take care of that for you.
Mold is preventable. And by monitoring the humidity and regularly maintaining your HVAC system you can help prevent mold in your air conditioning. Looking for quality air conditioning repair in Saratoga, CA? Contact our trained professionals today for top-quality service.