Every HVAC system has some sort of air filter. Most of them need to be replaced on a regular basis to keep air clear and keep air conditioners and furnaces working efficiently. Regularly replacing the filters will also reduce the need for emergency air conditioning repair in San Jose, CA. But not all filters are created equal. They can be made from fiberglass, paper, or cloth. Here are some questions we often get about HVAC filters:
Do HVAC Filters Improve Air Quality?
The primary purpose of an HVAC filter is to protect the system itself. They keep dust and debris away from the mechanisms so the equipment can operate safely and efficiently. But improving indoor air quality is a side benefit that does have some value. But keep in mind, the air is only getting filtered while the system is running. And only particles in proximity to the intake get filtered out. So if you are prone to allergies you might consider a standing air filter to improve the air quality in the home.
Are Furnace Filters and Air Conditioning Filters the Same?
For the most part, yes. If you have central heating and air conditioning the system uses the same types of filters for both heating and cooling. And if you have separate heating and cooling systems the filters function the same way, but each system will have unique filters.
How Important is replacing Filters?
Regularly checking and changing your filters is very important. If a filter gets clogged with dust and debris it blocks airflow. It can also introduce the very particles into the system you are trying to prevent. This means the system has to work even harder to pull air through. This leads to high utility bills, colder temperatures, poor air quality, and premature system failure. Far better to replace the filters every few months than to have to replace the furnace or air conditioner in just a few years.
How Often Should I Replace Filters?
This depends on the size of the system, the usage, and the types of filters. But during peak usage, it is wise to check the filters once and month and replace them if they look clogged. How do you know if they are clogged? Hold them up to a lighted window and see how much light is coming through. If there is still plenty of light, you can use the filter for a bit longer. If very little light comes through, time to swap it out.
Should I Get Reusable Filters?
The standard for most HVAC systems is disposable filters. These are usually made from paper or fiberglass and come in a cardboard frame. But there are long-term, reusable filters as well. They are more expensive upfront but are pretty easy to take care of. Once a month you should hand-wash these filters while the system is completely off. Then give them time to dry fully before reinserting them into the system. They require more work, but they last for years and help keep unnecessary trash out of the landfills.
Do you have more questions about air filters or air conditioning repair in San Jose, CA? Give us a call at (408) 800-2791. We can address any concerns you have and keep your HVAC system in top shape. Visit us at 1045 N 10th St San Jose, CA 95112 for more information.