No one wants their furnace to stop working on a cold night in the middle of the winter. Furnace repair is expensive and it never comes at a convenient time. Instead of waiting for furnace repair to become necessary, keep your furnace tuned up. Here are a few things that remind you the importance of a furnace tune up.
If you want to avoid furnace repair, the easiest thing any homeowner can do is change the filter on the furnace on a regular basis. Not only will this help the furnace run effectively and efficiently, but it will also help the unit put clean air out into the house. Dirty filters trap dust particles and expand them into your home. Change the filters once a month when the furnace is in use and check it frequently to see if it needs to be changed even more often.
Gas furnaces can produce carbon monoxide, which is not something you can smell. This gas can cause confusion, sleepiness and even death. Those with a gas furnace need to have them checked to ensure the air quality in the home. Even electric furnaces carry dangers and a regular tune up leads to safe use and avoids costly furnace repair.
California weather can change in a heartbeat and when the cold hits, you want to be ready with a furnace that will work effectively and efficiently. Regular tune-ups will help your furnace prepare for what is to come. When a professional looks over the unit, you can rest assured that it will run in an effective, efficient manner.
When you get a tune up, the professional checking things over might notice small things here and there that need to be changed or addressed. By careful inspection and cleaning things out, you are avoiding much bigger problems later. If the furnace were to be left completely alone, those little things can cause the entire unit to break down and need big expensive furnace repairs. Getting a tune up can help you avoid breakdowns and bigger problems later.
If you’d like to schedule your annual furnace tune up, contact Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning in San Jose at (408) 978-4780. They can help you with routine maintenance checks, efficiency, regular tune-ups, or even small to large repairs. IF you have an older furnace and want to replace it before the heating season begins. Pelle Heating & Air can help you with that process as well. No matter what you need, you will get fair pricing and professional treatment from start to finish. Call today and get your San Jose furnace repairs, tune up or other needs on the schedule before you put it off again. Start the heating season on the right foot with a furnace you know will work.