Summer vacations are a time to relax, forget about the daily stresses of life, and spend quality time with family or friends. But people are often in such a rush packing and getting out the door they forget to prepare their home. Just because the home is empty of people doesn’t mean electricity usage automatically goes down. From unplugging appliances to adjusting the air conditioning in Los Gatos, CA, here are a few things you can do to improve energy efficiency while you are gone on vacation:
Electronics and Appliances
Even though major appliances and electronics are turned off doesn’t mean they are not still using electricity. These unnecessary draws are called “energy vampires” because they secretly suck electricity. The best option is to unplug every unnecessary appliance. The fridge and freezer still need to run while you are gone. But things like entertainment systems, televisions, lamps, and gaming systems don’t need to stay plugged in. The same goes for appliances in the kitchen like toasters, blenders, coffee pots, and microwaves. You should also unplug all small electronics like razors and phone chargers. It may seem simple, but this step will save energy and also eliminate possible fire hazards if a power surge happens while you are away.
Most homeowners make a good habit of shutting off all the lights before they leave on vacation. But some worry about the home looking like it is unoccupied, so they turn on a light or two to stay on. But a better solution is setting some floor lamps on timers. That way they come on at strategic times of day to make the home appear occupied, but are not on 24/7 while you are away. Most automatic timers only cost $10 to $30 and the cost will be well worth the security and the amount of energy you can save.
Blinds and Curtains
Saving energy doesn’t always involve electronics. The windows in a home can also be an energy drain as they let in unwanted heat and keep the HVAC system running. Closing the curtains will help slow unwanted heat gains and keep the temperature in the home more consistent throughout the day.
Water Heater
This is one of the major appliances most homeowners don’t think about too often. It sits out of the way, and as long as it keeps performing there is no reason to worry about. But this is an appliance you want to remember before you go on vacation. Most modern water heaters have a vacation mode. This reduces the water heater’s energy consumption but is also meant to keep the pipes from freezing in winter. In summer freezing isn’t a concern. You can simply switch the heater off and shut off the gas to save energy will you are away.
Air Conditioning
Another thing you want to do is turn up the temperature on your thermostat to about 85. Every degree you raise the thermostat can save you two to three percent on your electricity bill. The only concern is if you are leaving pets in your home for a neighbor to look after. If so, your veterinarian can advise you on tolerable temperature settings to keep pets safe.
Need more information from Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning on prepping your air conditioning in Los Gatos, CA before a summer vacation? Stop by 1045 N 10th St., San Jose, CA 95112 to chat with one of our HVAC experts today. Or simply call (408) 978-7060.