It is frustrating when you find out your air conditioning unit needs repair—especially if it breaks down in the peak of the summer. But what is even worse is finding out that you might have prevented the issues with a simple tune-up. Routine air conditioning maintenance can keep it operating efficiently and help protect and prolong the life of your AC unit. Unfortunately, most people do not see how valuable these services can be. Here are just a three of the most common preventable breakdowns:
There are many times when homeowners call about a plumbing leak only to discover that the source is actually their air conditioner repairs unit. Not something you want to see. Damage could be extensive, depending on the location of your unit and the condensate line. It could leak in your attic, or the kitchen, resulting in thousands of dollars of damage.
Typically condensation collects on the inside coil and drains outside. However, if the drain is clogged, then the moisture has nowhere to go. Fortunately, if you call for routine maintenance, the technician will check and clean the condensate drain.
You might think freezing is normal in air conditioning units, but it isn’t. In fact, freezing is a major concern. Yes, the refrigerant cools down the air with a coil. But it should not freeze. This inhibits removal of heat from the air. Also, frozen coils can create lasting issues. What often causes freezing? It might be low refrigerant, a dirty air filter, or problems with the fan motor. During a tune-up, the technician may find one of these root issues and repair it to prevent future problems. If this happens you might want to visit your local HVAC for an air conditioning tune-up.
The components of your AC unit will not last forever. But faster wear and tear means the entire system can break down sooner. Typically an AC unit lasts 15 years or so. But if you don’t get regular air conditioning services it will cut down on the lifespan. You spend more money on replacement parts, and may even need to replace the whole unit sooner than normal. Fortunately, regular maintenance helps slow the wear and tear, so you do not spend as much money in the long run.
Steps for AC Tune Up
During your air conditioning service our technicians will:
Why Choose Pelle Heating and Air Conditioning Inc.?
When it comes to routine maintenance you need technicians who do all they can to exceed expectations. Our technicians take great pride in their work. We not only offer fair pricing on the highest quality equipment but also have a policy of honesty. We can provide routine maintenance quickly and efficiently, so you can get back to enjoying your cool air as soon as possible. Call us at (408) 978-7060 to schedule an appointment or visit us at 1045 N 10th St San Jose, CA 95112.