No one wants to replace their air conditioner just because. You want your air conditioner to work well throughout the hot summer months in San Jose, CA. But if it’s not going to work well, you want to know that too before you get yourself into a hot, sticky situation without any cool air. There are plenty of signs that tell you when you need a new air conditioning system. Here are a few telltale signs to help you make the move at the right time.
Your air conditioner is more than 15 years old.
If your air conditioner has been running against the San Jose, CA heat for over 15 years, it might be time to replace it. Newer units that are Energy Star qualified are at least 15% more efficient than your old unit. Plus, the older the unit, the more likely things are going to go wrong with it. If you want to avoid a breakdown and costly utility bills, replacing the air conditioner after it hits the 15-year mark is a good idea.
Your air conditioner needs repairs often.
No matter what the age of your air conditioner, if it needs repairs on a frequent basis, it’s time to get a new unit that will work effectively longer. Newer air conditioners are built to last longer and run efficiently, even in the San Jose, CA summers. If you are tired of extra repair bills, get a new air conditioning system.
Your energy bills are going up.
IF you notice a steep rise in your utility bills during the summer months, it’s likely the air conditioning system. Your cooling system is becoming less effective over time and it has to work harder to keep up with the temperature you want. Instead of allowing your bills to rise further, get a new unit and watch them plummet.
Some rooms are too hot or too cold.
Your air conditioning unit is likely not operating correctly if some of your rooms are hot and stuffy and others are freezing. You might have duct problems or improper insulation so consider those issues as well. But it’s possible you just need a new air conditioning system.
You are experiencing high humidity issues.
Your air conditioner should take the humidity out of your house. If you still have high humidity even when the system is running, you are uncomfortable and something’s not right. You may very well need a new air conditioner to remedy the problem.
If you identify with any of the above, you may need a new american standard air conditioning system for your home in San Jose, CA. If you still aren’t sure, talk with the professionals at Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Call us today at 408-800-2791. You can also stop by and describe your situation for our technicians to evaluate. We’re located at 3751 Charter Park Court #D, San Jose, CA 95136 and we’re happy to help in any way we can!