New Year’s Day is just around the corner and with it comes the time to set resolutions. Things are probably looking very different as this year comes to an end and a priority is probably keeping your home safe and comfortable in the coming year. That starts with improving the efficiency and performance of your HVAC system. If you don’t have any goals for air conditioning and furnace repair in Cupertino, CA on your resolution list, here is a little inspiration:
Increase Ventilation
Modern homes are built with a tighter envelope. While this is good for energy consumption, it is bad for airflow. This year it will be important to open your windows more, especially if you are schooling or working from home. This will help flush out stale air and pull fresh air inside.
Clean and Replace Filters
One of the easiest maintenance tasks you can perform for your HVAC system is cleaning and replacing the filters. Mark your calendar and make a point of checking the filters once a month. Have the filters you need on hand so you can swap them out whenever they get too clogged. Setting a schedule will help you stick to your resolution and replacing the filters regularly will help your system run more efficiently and prolong the life of your heating and cooling.
Improve Indoor Air Quality
High indoor air quality (IAQ) is essential for your health and wellbeing. It is also good for your HVAC system. Keeping a regular cleaning schedule, ventilating, and distributing green plants throughout the home can go a long way toward improving the IAQ in your home.
Schedule Tune-Ups in Advance
Annual maintenance of each major HVAC system is important. You should schedule a tune-up for your air conditioning in the spring and for your furnace or heat pump in the fall. Fitting in a maintenance session before you turn your system on for the season is the best way to make sure it is in working order and technicians can catch any performance problems before you are depending on it for comfort.
Invest in a Smart Thermostat
Still, using a manual thermostat? That means you are missing out on some important energy-efficient features. Upgrading to a smart thermostat has several valuable benefits. You can program a heating and cooling schedule to meet your needs and maximize efficiency. They can also track your usage and adjustments and adapt to your schedule. You can even adjust your thermostat when you are away from home.
Upgrade Your Heating or Cooling System
If your HVAC system is 15 to 20 years old it is probably reaching the end of its lifespan. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. New HVAC systems are a big investment, but they offer superior energy efficiency so you could start lowering your heating and cooling bills each month.
These are just a few things you can do for your HVAC system in the New Year. For more ideas about air conditioning and furnace repair in Cupertino, CA contact Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning today.