When your air conditioning works hard most of the year, you can expect to run into problems with your HVAC system at some point. That said, no one wants to deal with unexpected air conditioning breakdowns. Not only are they inconvenient, but they can also be expensive. Want to limit your need for repairs on your air conditioning in Saratoga, CA? Here are a few things you can do:
Keep the Outdoor Unit Clear
The outdoor unit on your HVAC system needs plenty of room to breathe, typically three feet of clearance. So make sure you cut the grass, trim the hedges, and clear away any debris that might pile up and get in the way.
Clear the Indoor Unit
The indoor unit needs clearance as well. Don’t allow junk to pile up in that closet or utility room, especially items that are flammable. You should also clear away dust and dirt build up every month. These simple steps will prolong the life of your system and make it easy to access when the technician shows up for maintenance.
Don’t Restrict Air Vents
Many homeowners think it is a good idea to close off air vents in rooms that are not in use. While this seems on track with saving energy, it is a misconception. Your system is meant to handle a specific pressure load. It works most efficiently with all vents open and easy air flow. So be sure you keep your return vents free of obstructions.
Install a Programmable or Smart Thermostat
The less work your air conditioning has to do the longer it will last and the less likely it is to break down. But that doesn’t mean you have to be sweltering all through the summer. If you don’t have a programmable or smart thermostat, then it is time for an upgrade. These thermostats allow you to set temperature patterns that match your schedule. That way you are not wasting energy while you are away, but your home is comfortable when you return.
Minimize Heat Gains
Another way to reduce the load on your cooling system is to reduce the amount of heat leaching into your home. It starts with energy efficient windows. You can also limit heat gains with insulating window coverings to block heat from the sun. You should also reserve using larger appliances like the dishwasher and clothes dryer for times when it is cooler outside.
Change Your Air Filters
This is a simple yet impactful maintenance item. Check your filters every month and replace them when they get clogged.
Call Right Away if you Suspect Problems
Notice an odd smell or strange sound coming from your system? Don’t put off getting service. The longer you wait on a problem the worse it can get, and it is likely the system will break down.
It is important to note that no amount of preventative measures will guarantee your air conditioning won’t break down. At some point, the components will wear out. But regular maintenance and service will limit the extent of damages. Contact Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning if you need help with your air conditioning in Saratoga, CA. Stop by 1045 N 10th St., San Jose, CA 95112 if you have more questions about your air conditioning system.