When it comes to the summertime in San Jose, the last thing you want is to be stuck without proper air conditioning. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence among homeowners and could be avoided simply by knowing some telltale signs that your air conditioning unit is in need of a repair. New air conditioning units often require a hefty investment, so it’s best for your wallet and your comfort to have your current system repaired before it gives out entirely. To save you from overheating we have put together a short list of signs to stay on the lookout for.
Your Air Feels More Like a Fan than a Cooling System
If you find the air coming from your air conditioning isn’t as cool as you remember it being, or it’s gotten to the point where it feels like warm air is simply being blown around, it’s likely that it’s time for a repair.
The Air Doesn’t Seem to Be Flowing
If the temperature of the air is fine but you are receiving little air flow, it could be an indicator that the unit’s compressor may be experiencing some issues. Another sign there is a problem occurring with the compressor is if the air is flowing through some rooms and not others.
You Notice Moisture or Leakage Around Your Home
If you notice drops of water or even small puddles frequently appearing around your home, it’s a sign that a leak has occurred within your air conditioning system. While in some cases this can be repaired, be prepared that you may have to replace the entire unit.
There Are Strange Noises Coming from Your Air Conditioning
If you notice a consistent squealing or grinding noises coming from your air conditioner, it may be a sign that there is some major interior damage within the unit. The repairs on this type of damage can be costly, and many homeowners opt to simply replace the whole system.
Something Smells Off
If you notice a foul, musty smell coming from your air conditioning vents it’s likely that mold has formed within the unit. Depending on the extent of the mold this could require a replacement, repair, or a simple cleaning by a professional.
Many homeowners wait too long to repair their air conditioner out of fear of facing an expensive bill. Fortunately, many air conditioners that are fairly new may still fall under warranty. In the event that your air conditioner repairs sunnyvale is not new and you are still concerned about costs, you can always call Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. to receive a free estimate. Our highly trained professionals will not only let you know the cost of your potential project but will also answer any questions you have revolving around it as well. To schedule your free estimate, give us a call today at (408) 800-2791 or visit us in person at Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning 3751 Charter Park Court #D San Jose, CA 95136.