We are well into fall and the cooler weather has arrived. It is probably time to shut off your air conditioner for the season if you haven’t already done so. Correctly shutting down the system is the best way to ensure it works properly come summer and prevent unnecessary air conditioning repair in Cupertino, CA.
Don’t fall into the habit of turning the air conditioner on and off constantly. Most homeowners will shut off their air conditioner in late September and early October and leave it off for the season. Mostly, you just want to wait until the weather is cool enough that you won’t be needing your air conditioner to keep your home cool. This means when high temperatures are consistently below 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Here are the steps to follow to safely shut down your air conditioner:
When shutting down your air conditioner, the first step is switching the mode on the thermostat. Turn off the cooling and switch to heat.
There is a small possibility that the thermostat could still try to turn on the air conditioner during a warm spell. So you also need to shut off the power to the air conditioner. To fully shut off the power you need to locate the outside circuit to the condenser. It is usually located close by. Open the weather cover and shut off the switch. You can also cut the power at the circuit breaker. This will also reduce the risk of electrocution while you finish preparing for winter.
Now you want to clear the area around the outdoor unit. Remove any leaves, branches, weeds, or yard toys that have accumulated these last months. On a warm enough day, you also want to wash the outdoor unit with the hose to remove all the dust and debris. Once the condenser is clean, let it dry for a few hours in the open air to prevent corrosion. While washing the unit check the condenser pipes for cracks, rust, or leaks. If you see anything suspicious you should call for professional air conditioning repair.
Once the outdoor condenser is clean and dry you should cover it. You can purchase a waterproof cover from a home improvement store. Or you can simply use some waterproof sheeting that is large enough to cover the entire condenser. That way the cover can protect the unit and prevent debris from working its way inside.
If it has been a while, the last thing you want to do as part of your season shut down is replace the air filters if they are clogged. You should check your filters at least once a month and replace them as needed to keep your HVAC system running as efficiently as possible.
You will want to make periodic checks on your outdoor unit throughout the winter to make sure everything is still covered and protected. And when summer comes around again, call Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning for your annual air conditioning repair in Cupertino, CA.